Article Started on May 20th, 2022
Monkeypox is a rare disease.
Most cases have been in Africa. The risk of catching monkeypox in the UK is very low.
It’s usually a mild illness that will get better on its own without treatment. A small percentage of people can develop more serious symptoms, in which case they can be cared for in specialist hospitals.

How is monkeypox spread?

Monkeypox does not spread easily between people, but it is possible to catch it from:

  • touching items like clothing, bedding or towels used by an infected person
  • touching monkeypox spots or scabs
  • a person with monkeypox rash who coughs or sneezes near you

In May (2022), the NHS changed the information regarding monkeypox on their website. The info has changed to make it sound worse than it is, for added ‘fear’ effect. This is clear evidence of corruption in the NHS,  they cannot be trusted!

You can see the changes for yourself by using the webarchive site. November 2nd, 2021 shows the page as it was prior to the changes.

Just go to:*/

Ask yourself, how does a virus not normally seen outside of West Africa, suddenly appear in different parts of the planet all at the same time???

Why did AstraZeneca & Pfizer use a chimpanzee adenovirus in their COVID-19 jabs?

Shingles & Pemphigoid are both documented adverse reactions to the COVID-19 jabs, they are also visually similar to ‘monkeypox’, could this all be a multifaceted ‘cover story’?

Vaccine induced Shingles or similar. Shingles shares the same symptoms as Monkeypox and is caused by stress, or the lowering of the Immune system.

Official Government reports suggest Authorities are using Monkeypox to cover up the fact the Covid-19 Vaccines cause Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

A gentle reminder;

Klaus Schwab: “We have to reinforce our resistance against a new virus possibly… or other risks WE have on the global agenda”

If you understand how these self declared rulers of earth, currently meeting at ‘Davos’ work, it will come as no surprise that a bio-security simulation was done a year prior to the worlds first ever global outbreak of monkeypox, which even began on the same week ‘predicted’ in the exercise.

See this document from 2021:  Strengthening Global Systems to Prevent and Respond to High-Consequence Biological Threats

This is from page 10:

Just like with COVID, expect the mortality figures to reportedly peak once the meeting at Davos has concluded.

The NHS has issued a warning to meat eaters amid a “significant and concerning” outbreak of monkeypox in the UK. Do you see where this is heading? They have already removed the deli & hot food counters in supermarkets, now they want to cause a panic over meat so they can feed us processed crap & meat made from bugs & insects that the World Economic Forum have been proudly promoting. Soon, they will be coming for our pets!

Are you starting to understand why the NHS altered the monkeypox information on their website from the beginning of this post?

The management & administration of the NHS has been hijacked by the corrupt, WE SEE YOU!

A reminder of how monkeypox is spread:

Monkeypox does not spread easily between people, but it is possible to catch it from:

  • touching items like clothing, bedding or towels used by an infected person
  • touching monkeypox spots or scabs
  • a person with monkeypox rash who coughs or sneezes near you

Now they are laying the foundations to justify culling our pets, which is exactly what happened in China recently.

The push to get us eating bugs has started already.

The Jynneos Monkeypox Vaccine (which will likely have similar results as the ones for COVID) is made by the company Bavarian Nordic, of which the largest shareholder is Invesco, which happens to work with the World Economic Forum. And as expected, both Vanguard and Blackrock are also among the largest shareholders. The stock began to skyrocket on May 9, 2022.

Now Pfizer, another company whose shareholders include Blackrock & Vanguard, announce they have just completed their monkeypox vaccine.

Don’t forget, Pfizer are the ones that sought to keep their documents pertaining to their COVID jab hidden for 75 years, which can be read here: more released monthly, as pursuant to a court order.

The insanity continues….

Low and behold on Sunday July 24th, 2022, the World Health Organization Declares Highest Alert Over Monkeypox Outbreak.

We didn’t see that one coming did we?

The media’s fear mongering of Monkey pox appears to have eased off in recent weeks, gone but not forgotten, I’m sure.

These ‘pandemics’ are nothing more than psychological & economic warfare. Our real enemy isn’t Russia, it is everyone that serves to the Davos / WEF agenda. They are responsible for it all, including the rising cost of living & energy, and the food shortage we will face in the not too distant future.

Will update if & when the bullshit unfolds……….

August 7th, 2024.

Over the last few months, the monkey-pox fearmongering has started again.

WHO Triggers Emergency Use Listing for Monkeypox Vaccines

August 15th, 2024.

The World Health Organization declares a global emergency over the Monkeypox virus.

Notice the timing, in the run up to election season in the USA

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