The Un-united Kingdom

The civil unrest currently taking place in the UK is 100% intentional.

Zionist puppets are intentionally stoking the fire of discontent, creating division and instigating violence between English & Muslim. They want so much conflict that it will transcend into a full blown civil war.

Then the fake immigrants currently housed in hotels all over the country, AKA a globalist militia, can seize control of the country whilst the populations focus is on the conflict.

Until then, militia soldiers are sent out to commit individual acts of savagery, raping & murdering innocent people. Muslims will be blamed to help navigate us further towards civil war.

Crates of weapons have already been distributed around the hotels, they are just waiting for the ‘GO’ order.

This German Chief of police admits there are no “refugees” coming to Germany, “they’re all soldiers” whose sole purpose in Europa is destruction.

He says there are over 500k illegal “refugee” soldiers in Germany waiting for a particular day “X”. Day “X” is the day each gets an order to assault, rape, and murder (To kiII Germany and the German people).

It won’t come as an armed standing army, it comes as individual acts of savagery, which largely go unnoticed by the media.

People from both communities are allowing themselves to be played like a fiddle, manipulated by manufactured media, even among the awake.

They want you angry, they want you mobilized & out in the streets causing havoc, because as well as nudging us closer to civil war, it will also provide them justification to further curb our freedoms and infringe on our god given rights.

Ignore the manufactured news stories & snippets of video clips on social media as they’re intended to sow division.

Divided we lose!!

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