How Do We Stop Tyranny?

The constitutional right to petition the king is written in law and in particular as part of the Bill of Rights 1688/1689. The petitions are lawful and no man can be prosecuted for exercising this right.

The Sovereign men and women of the nation petitioned the monarch by writing to the king in November 2023 and again in August 2024.

The basis of the petition was for the king to exercise his royal prerogative to defend and protect the nation from a rogue, belligerent, corrupted, criminal and compromised government and parliament.

Despite there being a general election in July 2024 things have not
improved, in fact, they have become much worse. The incumbent prime minister and government have lied and backtracked on the many promises they made prior to the election. Eighty percent of the electorate did not vote for Labour or Keir Starmer, how is this democracy when they are given a mandate to govern with only one fifth of the vote?

The serious and concerning issues set out in the previous petitions have not been addressed and the king has failed to redress the nation‘s grievances as is his duty under the constitution. With God as his witness the king swore an oath to uphold the laws of the land.

“The Bill of Rights is a constitutional requirement for the crown to seek the consent of the people as represented in parliament.”

It is the people of the nation who are the power and give consent to govern and it is the people who can remove that consent where the
government is rogue and belligerent. The constitution must be respected and upheld therefore the king is compelled to act in favour of the nation.
We refuse to continue to live the way we are living, it is not acceptable. We should be living not existing, we should be happy not miserable, we should be healthy not sick, we should have abundance not scarcity, we should be looking forward to the future not fearful of it, we should take care of our elderly and vulnerable not abandon them, we should safeguard and guarantee our children’s future not blindly standby while their freedoms are being eroded, we have a right to have our representatives in government, the police, the civil service, the judiciary and local authorities whose only aims and interests is for the betterment of the people. This is clearly not happening. The financial demands and taxations are putting immense pressure on every household, it is excessive, repugnant and akin to slavery.
Five hundred billion pounds of the publics money has been spent since March 2020 for a supposed pandemic that never was. That equates to twenty thousand pounds per household. Yet here we are again being expected to pay for the shortfalls we did not create, being penalised for the failures and ineptitude of governments past and present. We say no.

Let those responsible pay these debts and bills, it wasn’t the hard
working men and women who created them, it’s the corrupted men and women in government and the civil service along with the greedy bankers who should be forced to pay the debts they created and caused.

The “Manifesto of the Nation”
This will allow the people to live free from debt, worry, stress and fear, for us to live with hope, freedom, be healthy, but most importantly with happiness, something which has been devoid for far too long.
The petitions previously sent to the king on November 2023 and August 2024 made reference to Article 61 of the Magna Carta. This is the right of the people to seek remedy and redress from the king, if remedy and redress has not been implemented to the satisfaction of the nation then we reserve the constitutional right to distrain (the seizure and holding of property as security for payment of a debt or satisfaction of a claim) as we the people deem necessary and appropriate.
Satisfactory remedy and redress will be the implementation of
the “Manifesto of the Nation” and the removal of the corrupt, criminal, belligerent, compromised parliament and government.
Article 61 of the Magna Carta was invoked in 2001 by the Barons,
acknowledged by Queen Elizabeth II and it is still in force to this day
because remedy and redress has not been obtained.

To distrain is lawful, on condition that, no harm will come to any man, woman or child and that includes no harm to any elected
representatives or public officials. No property, businesses or vehicles will be damaged, destroyed or looted.
This action is being taken with the very best of intentions and purely for the betterment of the nation in order to live a life that we all deserve. It is not frivolous. It is not vexatious. It is not malicious or conspiratorial. We are caring, loving, respectful, men and women. We demand significant changes to guarantee us the basic human and un inalienable rights to be free and happy, devoid of the constant barrage of misery and fear perpetrated against us by corrupted officials and unelected non-governmental organisations that we never wanted or voted for.

Article 61 of The Magna Carta 1215, The constitutional right of the
people to distrain.

In the absence of any response to the petitions sent to his Majesty King Charles III, it is now the individual personal choice of every sovereign man and woman in the nation to decide if they want to
lawfully distrain. These actions will continue until satisfactory remedy and redress have been met as previously outlined and sent to the king by way of petition in November 2023 and August 2024.
From today, Council Tax, Electricity, Gas and Water bills are to be sent directly to, in order to be paid by, His Majesties Treasury and for the attention of;

Rachel Reeves MP Chancellor of the Exchequer
The Correspondence and Enquiry Unit,
1 Horse Guards Road,

Members of Parliament receive thousands of pounds of public money in expenses to have their bills for a second home paid for. It is only right and proper the tax payers are treated as equals and in the true spirit of fairness and equality we now want to use our public money to pay for our own bills. This is the will of the people and we expect you to action this without question.

The Chancellor Rachel Reeves MP receives public money to pay her bills and we already pay her a basic salary since July 2024, of £163,891 per year.

The basic salary for a sitting MP is £91,346 this figure increases with many additional perks and expenses.

It is strongly recommended that, every man and woman keeps a copy of every bill, to create a ledger in date order and keep track of all bills sent. Every bill sent to the treasury by recorded delivery as proof of sending and as a receipt.
Notify via letter, email or phone call to your Gas,
Electric and Water supplier and the local authority where you pay your Council Tax that, all bills have been sent to HM Treasury
for payment. Consider cancelling direct debits and standing orders until this matter is fully resolved. Be fully open and transparent, remain polite and cordial at all times. A pro forma is available to print, complete, copy and send.
Let it be known to all concerned, this is not a refusal to pay, we are using our public money collected on our behalf by The Treasury to
discharge each of our bills accordingly and as a direct consequence as our choice of distrain under Article 61 of The Magna Carta 1215.

The people reserve the right to add other bills for payment by HM
Treasury at a later date if satisfactory remedy and redress are not met. Those other bills may be Mortgages, Rent, Vehicle excise duty, Taxes and VAT. Further options of distrain might include national strike action and impromptu walk outs, or the lawful and peaceful seizing of our public buildings.
This is unprecedented and uncharted territory for everyone. It would
be sensible and prudent to put the money for these bills you have not spent into a bank account or into other secure and trusted institutions.
Depending on how this situation develops that money may be needed at a later date and no one should get into any further unnecessary financial hardship as a result of taking this action. On the contrary, this course of action is being taken to ease the financial burdens we face and not to add to them.

Those wanting to take this lawful action of distrain but do not have the technical capability or access to computers or printers etc, please seek assistance from family, friends or neighbours.
Gas, Electric and Water companies are making billions of pounds in
profits every year. The people are being extorted because these corporations are beholden to their shareholders. Not to mention
the huge salaries and bonuses in the millions paid to the senior
executives of these private for profit companies. This is unethical and immoral especially now when so many are experiencing hardship, homelessness, huge debts, hunger and financial ruin.
Governments are spending billions of pounds of our money by sending it to other countries, funding illegal wars, allowing hundreds of thousands of unvetted illegal immigrants into the country and putting them up in hotels, providing unlimited hot food and drinks, warm and comfortable shelter, access to doctors and dentists and even given pocket money.

This is costing us billions of pounds while we have a homeless crisis of our own, struggle to get doctors appointments and NHS
treatments for ourselves, not to mention the removal of winter fuel payments for many of the elderly. We are paying out much
more yet we receive much less, how is this possible, more to the
point why is it allowed to continue?
We didn’t vote for these things, we will no longer pay for them and we will now use our money for our benefit and not for the benefit of others, or to pay for poorly managed bankrupt councils and failing banks, or to pay for corporate shareholder profits, or for fat cat salaries and bonuses, or for corrupted publicly paid servants, or for those who have contributed nothing but receive everything for free, or for bombs to be dropped on innocent civilians. All at our expense and supposedly in our name, while we all suffer with a multitude of ever increasing financial hardships that are constant and never ending.


The true and real power is held by the people and this is a timely reminder to the crown, all ministers, civil servants, police constables, judiciary and councillors that you work for and are paid by the people of this nation.
You all swore an oath of office on appointment, an affirmation or attestation, it’s now time to honour them and you are being held to account. This is not the government’s money, this is the peoples money and we have had enough of it being wasted, stolen and given away to far too many others without our consent.

Do the job we pay you to do, you work for the nation and the people, if you do not want to work for the people then you must step down
immediately and resign your position.
Normal service will resume with the executive when satisfactory remedy and redress have been met. This being the implementation of the MANIFESTO OF THE NATION and the removal of the corrupt,
compromised, criminal, belligerent government and parliament.


The Manifesto of a Nation.

Letter for billing HM Treasury

Petition the King


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