Right, I have been holding off on this post for a while. It’s one of those topics that attract lots of attention, largely in part due to Israel’s long running propaganda. Its been taught as facts in western schools for decades, making Israel the hardest red pill for many to swallow.
Lets begin with
the real biblical Jews
They were a nomadic & tribal people known as Hebrews.
Hebrews of old lived similar to today’s desert wandering Arab nomadic tribes….
Abraham was descended from Peleg – The Patriarch of Y-DNA E…

Peleg was a son of Eber, the Patriarch from which all Hebrews descended and one of Abraham’s sons was named Isaac, is the father of the Israelites = Jacob’s seed and the Edomites = Esau’s seed.
The Hebrews ethnically identified themselves as Sahar.

Scripture actually does contain descriptions of certain biblical lineages:
The Nigers – Pronounced “Nee-gers” were Israelites = Y-DNA, E1b1a8’s and E1b1a7’s who followed Christ, especially from the House of Judah. These Northern kingdom Israelites would look like Sahar and even as Dark as the Hamite of Cush.

Hebrews had 3 customs that separated them from all others, besides their biggest single point of identification – belief in one GOD.
- Circumcision – different Hebrew tribes have different customs of age for male circumcision.
- Observing the Sabbath
- Special diets – animals were designated clean and unclean – swine, dogs, rats, marsupials, lizards, reptiles and amphibians were deemed unclean.
The Ancient Hebrews were Black / Sahar / Cushite Nomadic tribes, as were the ancient Israelites and Edomites.
israeli’s are Not Those Jews
DNA ANALYSIS: Modern-day Israeli “Jews” are NOT Related To Biblical Israelites.
“WHAT??” I hear you scream
The conclusion of the above research analysis, supports the hypothesis of an Irano-Turko-Slavic origin for Ashkenazic Jews, so there are ancestral links to Turkey, Serbia & Iran.
This next research article supports the Khazarian hypothesis, and encompasses the area to support the above research analysis.
Now, If you would like more information about Khazaria and why this is important, see our post about the Khazarian mafia.
Something to bear in mind, I have this habit of whenever I talk about Ashkenazic Jews, I refer to them as Khazar Jews. This is simply because Khazaria has an ancestral link to Ashkenazic Jews, who embraced the Khazar’s Babylonian ritualistic religious practices, even to this day.
The fact is, the Zionist state of Israel was created in 1917 for the movement of people from Eastern Europe. (Its no coincidence that the conclusions of both Research Articles covered a large chunk of Eastern Europe)
The name ‘Israel’ was chosen to create an impressionable false sense of connection with Israelites, its a lie.
The Balfour Declaration is a statement made on November 2, 1917, of British support for ‘the establishment in Palestine of a national home for Jewish people’, now enshrined in the Rothschild family history, as they’re the Zionist’s directly responsible for it’s creation.
Here’s Jacob Rothschild talking about it, listen to what he says.
The people moved to Israel were Ashkenazic Jews, which includes descendants of Khazars.
The Talmud is, after the Hebrew Bible, the central text of Rabbinic Judaism and the primary source of Jewish religious law.
It’s basically a commentary on the Mishnah, primarily written in Jewish Babylonian Aramaic. It contains the teachings and opinions of thousands of rabbis on a variety of subjects, including halakha, Jewish ethics, philosophy, customs, history, and folklore, and many other topics, including some dark shit, like intercourse with children at 3 years old. They even try to justify going younger, by saying things like 30 days in a year, is same as a year, so 2 years & 30 days is the same as 3 years. Check it out yourself, it will open at the relevant place. Read the Babylonian Talmud.
Now, these are the people in positions of power in Israel, they are Zionist fake Jews. These are also the people at the top of the global power structure, the committee of 300.
“Its important to understand that the majority of Israeli’s are not the same, the government deceives them constantly and laws exist to prevent criticism & questions about sensitive topics. During their mandatory time in the military, their conditioning continues from where the ‘education’ system left off, tweaking their perception of reality even further.”
This book, “The Jew & Human Sacrifice” by Hermann L. Stack is definitely worth a read.
The same way ISIS was used as the boogeyman in the western world, MOSSAD created Hamas, Israel’s boogeyman, used for justification to deal with Palestine as a hostile state and exterminate all of the people.
They use the same playbook every single time.
Hamas is also a Zionist corporation, registered in Israel in 1978.

Thanks to wikileaks, we also have US cables showing how Israel facilitated the birth of HAMAS in order to marginalise the PLO #Gaza
Now you can see that MOSSAD was actually responsible for the atrocities of October 7, to create an excuse for the excessive bombing of Gaza and elsewhere.
Did you know that the Israeli military got caught attacking their own citizens on October 7th. They later justified it by blaming the ‘Hannibal directive’, which is basically, rather than allow citizens to be taken hostage, they kill them. Now that’s pretty twisted.
A Channel 12 report reveals footage of Israeli tanks shelling homes filled with Israeli noncombatants inside Kibbutz Be’eri while hundreds of soldiers waited outside doing nothing.
For anyone still in doubt, here they are admitting it….

The following information was provided by dedicated US patriot & talented artist ₭₳₲ ĐⱤØ₲Ø on X.
Israel was behind the assassination of JFK.
ClA theory is a limited hangout.
They don’t tell you the ClA name most mentioned was a M0SSAD liaison. Did you know Jack Ruby, the man who shot Oswald, his real name was Jacob Rubenstein, from the Zionist mob that helped establish Israel?
JFK wanted to shut down Israel’s nuclear facilities, register AIPAC as a foreign agent, and had also committed himself to the Arab heads of state to support the right of return for the 800,000 Palestinians refugees expelled in 1947-1948.
There’s a lot of evidence which has been covered up that makes this conclusion glaringly obvious.
Israel killed JFK
— ₭₳₲ ĐⱤØ₲Ø🇺🇸 (@KAGdrogo) November 22, 2024
ClA theory is a limited hangout
They don’t tell you the ClA name most mentioned was a M0SSAD liaison
Did you know Jack Ruby, the man who shot Oswald, real name was Jacob Rubenstein, from the Jewish mob that helped establish Israel?
JFK wanted to shut down… pic.twitter.com/0lGqB1VkZj
Today is November 22nd, 2024
61 years ago today, John F Kennedy was assassinated.
Just months before, JFK was trying to inspect Israel’s nuclear facilities and make AIPAC register as an agent of the Israeli government, (then known as American Zionist Council).
JFK was then murdered and neither happened.
Note, Donald Rumsfeld was the one responding to JFK’s request in the letter below, who was later involved with covering up 9/11.
Today, AIPAC is the ONLY lobby advocating for the interests of a foreign government that doesn’t have to register under FARA. Who do you think had the motivation and influence to compel our government to help kill JFK?

Israel killed JFK.
Bush was their henchman.
Same with 9/11
Israel killed JFK.
— ₭₳₲ ĐⱤØ₲Ø🇺🇸 (@KAGdrogo) March 19, 2024
Bush was only a henchman
Same with 9/11 pic.twitter.com/StDA1RKVou
The 9/11 ‘Dancing Israelis’
- Israeli men were seen filming, laughing & celebrating the fall of the WTC towers
- FBI report confirms 2 of them were MOSSAD operatives
- They all had immediate travel plans to leave the country
- They failed lie detector tests & got caught lying repeatedly.
- Their moving co. was utilized by one of the alleged 9/11 hijackers. (Some even lived next-door to one of the hijackers, Muhammad Atta.)
- FBI report confirms that one of them had been selected to attend a [redacted] for an entity called the “Jewish Agency.”
- The “Jewish Agency” has on its board of governors, the same Jewish billionaire that suspiciously loaned a $ 1/4 million to the Police Commissioner who met with him in Israel just prior to 9/11 (and helped cover up the events with Bush Jr.)
There’s so much more.
One of them apparently cherished the day so much he was married on 9/11 a year later.
Below, is a snippet from a 5hr documentary by Ryan Dawson on X here.
The 9/11 ‘Dancing Israelis’
— ₭₳₲ ĐⱤØ₲Ø🇺🇸 (@KAGdrogo) February 10, 2024
-Israeli men were seen filming, laughing & celebrating the fall of the WTC towers
-FBI report confirms 2 of them were MOSSAD operatives
-They all had immediate travel plans to leave the country
-They failed lie detector tests & got caught lying… https://t.co/ytRVwFe7RX pic.twitter.com/4waAlO5UFf
The only suspects arrested on 9/11 were Israeli:
5 ‘Dancing Israelis’ were arrested after seen celebrating the WTC attack
2 were confirmed M0SSAD
They drove vans from the same ‘Urban Moving Systems’ co. as Israelis who were arrested with vans packed full of expIosives on 9/11
Two of them lived next door to one of the alleged high jackets Muhammed Ata
Ex M0SSAD agent and counter terrorism advisor to U.S. Congress, Juval Aviv, confirmed that Urban Moving Systems was a M0SSAD front company
The owner of Urban Moving Systems fled to lsraeI and was never investigated
Many more Israelis were arrested for spying, but all were quietly deported even after failing lie detector tests. The two confirmed M0SSAD agent Dancing Israelis failed lie detector tests after refusing to take one for 10 weeks
There is so much more to this, like Larry Silverstein, the Israeli “art students” and it was all covered up with the help of traitors in our government. It wasn’t just an inside job.
The only suspects arrested on 9/11 were Israeli
— ₭₳₲ ĐⱤØ₲Ø🇺🇸 (@KAGdrogo) September 12, 2024
5 ‘Dancing Israelis’ were arrested after seen celebrating the WTC attack
2 were confirmed M0SSAD
They drove vans from the same ‘Urban Moving Systems’ co. as Israelis who were arrested with vans packed full of expIosives on 9/11… pic.twitter.com/DxaVnEF2hw
In 2007, in documents released by Edward Snowden, Israel was listed as one of, if not the largest threat to the US militarily (by use of nuclear weapons), financially, economically, and on grounds of espionage.
In the document it states the threats of: “development of weapons of mass destruction” and “delivery methods (particularly ballistic and nuclear-capable cruise missiles).“
The NSA also has flagged Israel’s “WMD and missile proliferation activities” and “cruise missiles” as threats.
In one part of the document labeled “Foreign Intelligence, Counterintelligence; Denial & Deception Activities: Countering Foreign Intelligence Threats,” Israel is listed as the leading instigator in “espionage/intelligence collection operations and manipulation/influence operations…against U.S. government, military, science & technology and Intelligence Community”. The statement “manipulation/influence operations” refers to covert actions taken by Israel to sway U.S. public opinion in its favor.
According to the NSA document about cybersecurity, Israel is listed as a major threat in “Mastering Cyberspace and Preventing an Attack on U.S. Critical Information Systems,” Israel, India, North Korea and Cuba are identified as “FIS [financial/banking system] threats.”
Israel also appears on the list of countries believed by the NSA to be “enabling” electronic warfare “producers/proliferators.”
In this Article, Newsweek states: A previously released Snowden document said that “one of NSA’s biggest threats is actually from friendly intelligence services, like Israel.”
In another article from The Hill: “To further safeguard our classified networks, we continue to strengthen insider threat detection capabilities across the Community,” reads the FY 2013 congressional budget justification for intelligence programs. “In addition, we are investing in target surveillance and offensive CI [counterintelligence] against key targets, such as China, Russia, Iran, Israel, Pakistan and Cuba.”
Last. For. A. Reason.
— Dr. C (@OG_DrC) October 7, 2023
Pay Attention👇🏼 Part 1 pic.twitter.com/fULS5tAMYZ
Last. For. A. Reason.
— Dr. C (@OG_DrC) October 7, 2023
Pay Attention👇🏼 Part 2 pic.twitter.com/96H4bUfSwz
Last. For. A. Reason.
— Dr. C (@OG_DrC) October 7, 2023
Pay Attention👇🏼 Part 3 pic.twitter.com/DtyycEFS9y
Open your eyes and see
Not through generalization, but see individuals who hide behind feigned morality.
They dangle it right in front of your eyes.
Israeli Secret Intelligence Service = MOSSAD
I mean you can spell it out for people but some still won’t see it.
— Dr. C (@OG_DrC) October 8, 2023
It’s not Israel the people who suck, just like it’s not American people who suck.
It’s their DS satanic POS’s who control it.
It’s our DS satanic POS’s who control us.
Open your eyes and see.
Not through… pic.twitter.com/MAi6EfZoAh
Trump Knows!
“Well nobody’s gotten to the bottom of 9/11, unfortunately, and they should have.”
— ₭₳₲ ĐⱤØ₲Ø🇺🇸 (@KAGdrogo) September 11, 2023
– Donald J Trump@realDonaldTrump
Trump knows. pic.twitter.com/kZpFWZKKvf
Did you know that Israel has the World’s Only CHILDRENS Military Prison?
The courts have a conviction rate of 99.7%
The Children sent to prison are then routinely beaten, tortured and raped!
Drunk Israeli ex-soldier
“After shοοting ourselves in the foot, we blame the Palestiniаns because blaming the Pаlestinians is a very special honour that only we get to do….. WE ARE THE BIGGEST CRIMINALS OF THE WORLD”
Confessions of a drunk Israeli ex-soldier🇮🇱
— Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis (@DrLoupis) December 3, 2024
“After shοοting ourselves in the foot, we blame the Palestiniаns because blaming the Pаlestinians is a very special honour that only we get to do….. WE ARE THE BIGGEST CRIMINALS OF THE WORLD” pic.twitter.com/OMnxuQlBaj

Does this sound like she’s one of Gods chosen one’s?
More like the ramblings of a demon.
May Golan, Israeli Minister of Social Equality.
Things that make you go Hmmmm!
JEWISH OWNED news papers reporting 6 million either dead or dying Jews throughout all of Europe 208 times BEFORE Hitler came to power in 1933. Video provided by NicoleNonya
World War 2
“By going through the British archives, one can find a hand written note from the chairman of Psychological Warfare saying, “we’ve got to be careful with the Nazi Gas Chamber lie, because eventually it will be exposed.”
“The Holocaust is a Jewish myth, that did not come into being until more than 20 years after the world war. The term did not come into general use until after 1967.”
“The detailed aerial photographs of Auschwitz, taken by allied reconnaissance planes during the supposed height of “the Holocaust” , show no signs of massive burning bodies, crematorium chimneys, or masses of Jews awaiting death.”
-Mark Webber
Revisionist don’t deny the “holocaust,” they acknowledge that many Jews died in camps due to disease. The main 3 things Revisionist showcase is
1. There was no German policy for mass extermination
2. the gas chambers are mythical
3. The 6 million number is greatly exaggerated.
Q and A between a Holocaust historian, and a Holocaust Revisionist.
“If millions of people were gassed to death, where are the bodies or ash?”
Mainstream historian- “I don’t know”
Revisionist historian- “this fact alone destroys the standard Holocaust narrative.”
“Initially, the official Holocaust story had 4 million dead at Auschwitz, and 2 million dead at Majdanek. Even official historians agree those numbers are now ridiculous. The official story has Auschwitzs down to 1 million and Majdanek down to 85k, which are also inflated.”
Did you know that Adolf Hitler was the grandson of Solomon Rothschild?
I bet you didn’t know that Adolf Hitler was interviewed by Jewish journalist, Max Fraenkel for the Jewish Criterion, January 23rd, 1931.
Here is a copy of that article:

If you’ve never listened to an Adolf Hitler speech in English, you really should. It will get you asking questions.
“The Goyim Gazette”
I’ve just randomly stumbled upon a website that I’d never seen before, obviously due to heavy censorship & wot not. It’s run by real Jews desperately trying to wake the world up to the evil of the fake Jews of Israel.
Definitely worth your attention.

WARNING! Sensitive Content, Viewer Discretion is Advised
OCCUPIED WORLD PREMIERE: WARNING! Sensitive Content, Viewer Discretion is Advised https://t.co/Iy1GFoNqjV
— Stew Peters (@realstewpeters) November 28, 2024
To be continued….Until then, i shall leave you with this Cult of Baal map to study.