Monkeypox, Bird Flu, Oropouche – The Rolling Scamdemic

The lies pushed by the World Health Organization have already been exposed, remember that ‘bird flu’ in Mexico? The W.H.O claimed someone had died from ‘Bird Flu’, Mexico’s leader intervened and told us that was an outright lie, the man died of other things, totally unrelated.

Here’s a quick reminder about the Swine Flu hoax they attempted 14 years ago. 

Apparently the Oropouche Virus, Monkeypox & Bird Flu will be headlining for Davos’s ‘rolling pandemic’.

On August 15th, the WHO declared mPox a PHEIC (pronounced FAKE) Public Health Emergency of International Concern because of an upsurge in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The article below has everything you might want to know about the PHEIC monkeypox cases in Ireland…..

So it begins…

The rollout of fake stories in the media, to nudge people into taking mPox seriously, with added variants to induce fear, helps to encourage vaccine uptake once made available.

And some new information comes to light exposing Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).

Or is this just more fear mongering??

Can’t believe they’re doing this again…

“People can be infected with monkeypox without showing symptoms”

Absolute bollocks!

If you don’t feel ill or have itchy red spots, then you do NOT have monkeypox! 

Source: John Olooney on X.

RE. the new Monkeypox ‘vaccine’ contains Ciprofloxacin.

“I’ve been following your investigation into the new Mpox vaccine, and I have some info. I wouldn’t normally do this, but I can’t stay quiet anymore. I’ve got a close relative who worked on the vaccine project for R&D over at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, what they told me is terrifying. This is way bigger than anyone realizes, and it’s all being covered up.

First off, you should know that the new Mpox vaccine isn’t just a vaccine. It’s got a drug called Ciprofloxacin in it (see screenshot you can also research this). It is the strongest antibiotic and most disabling drug on the market permanently destroying the patient’s mitochondria and DNA. Clinically one of the most dangerous ones out there. Ciprofloxacin is part of a class of drugs called fluoroquinolones, and these drugs are wrecking people’s lives. The condition they cause is called “floxing,” or more officially, Fluoroquinolone-Associated Disability (FQAD). Trust me, you do NOT want this stuff in your system. Statistically 1 in 10 have a “floxing” reaction (severe irreversible mitochondrial damage) and end up permanently disabled by this drug.

Here’s the thing that really pisses me off: the dangers of Cipro are well-documented, but no one’s talking about it. The FDA has warnings out there, so does the UK government, but they’re just words on a website. The real horror stories are buried in online communities—Facebook groups (I can share these but they are private but multiple groups with 10K+ members from all over the world), Reddit threads ( —where thousands of people are sharing how their lives have been destroyed by these drugs. We’re talking about permanent nerve damage, torn tendons, and serious mental health problems. It’s insane, and almost no one knows about it.

Now, why the hell would they put this in a vaccine? Because it’s not a mistake—it’s part of the plan. By injecting people with Cipro, they’re ensuring a whole new wave of health problems that’ll leave people dependent on more meds just to get by. It’s all about keeping Big Pharma’s profits rolling in, just like they did with the COVID vaccine. They hide the risks, downplay the side effects, and then rake in the cash while people suffer.

This isn’t just about money—it’s about control. If you disable enough people, make them reliant on meds to survive, you’ve got them in the palm of your hand. It’s population control, plain and simple. Fewer people, more dependence, more profit. It’s a sick, twisted game. Please, you’ve got to look into this and share to get the word out to what they are trying to do to the global population. The info is out there if you dig deep enough. People need to know what they’re being injected with before it’s too late. I would be happy to have a virtual meeting to offer more information/insight.”

Remember how in May, 2022, they started the monkeypox ‘seed planting’ in the media. By ‘seed planting’, im of course referring to psychological manipulation, or at least the preparation for it.

Then in May of last year (2023), the World Health Organization declared that ‘mpox’ is no longer a global health emergency. 

This was still part of the fear campaign ‘preparation’ process, that kicked off properly this year (2024).

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