The JFK Files
Exposes more than just the CIA’s involvement in the assassination of J.F.K., it lifts the veil on the involvement of the Israeli Intelligence Service and how the CIA protects their exposure.
The Disclosure Project Intelligence Archive
The Disclosure Project Intelligence Archive (DPIA)… Visit The DPIA website and scan through 33 + years of Dr. Steven Greer’s
Is Bovaer Safe and Effective?
We live in a time when people perceive many threats; not least the ongoing attacks on farming: meat & dairy production.
The Trouble with Israel
They were a nomadic & tribal people known as Hebrews. Hebrews of old lived similar to today’s desert wandering Arab nomadic tribes….
The Real Dark Fraud & Self Proclaimed MAP
Nonce ALERT…The Real Dark Judge is A FUCKING PAEDOPHILE…Name: Omatsole Koko Ete Edem is A M.A.T….
How Do We Stop Tyranny?
The constitutional right to petition the king is written in law and in particular as part of the Bill of Rights
The Free Speech Union
As a member, you gain access to an array of resources and support, ensuring you can speak your mind without fear of being cancelled.
The Un-united Kingdom
Zionist puppets are intentionally stoking the fire of discontent, creating division and instigating violence between English & Muslim.
Monkeypox, Bird Flu, Oropouche – The Rolling Scamdemic
As many predicted, consecutive scamdemics incoming. Anyone stupid enough to fall for it this time, well, shame on you.
Reform Party Manifesto
This is probably our last chance to prevent us all being dragged to hell. I am curious to see what would happen under a Reform government, so I’ll be following the crowd & voting for REFORM.
Our Final COVID Vax Thread
Any new info or studies on the COVID vaccines. From Christmas 2023 going into 2024…In Progress…
Unlawful Killing (2011) Banned in the UK
A British documentary film (banned in the UK) about the deaths of Diana, Princess of Wales, and Dodi Fayed on 31 August, 1997. Directed by Keith Allen and financed by Dodi’s father Mohamed Al-Fayed
Human Trafficking
Right now, there are approximately 25 million people being trafficked, about half of those are children. It’s incomprehensible that such high demand exists, fueled mainly by paedophilia & the blood market (organ trade).
The UKs Dirty Secret
Exposed: Elite Abuse in the BBC and Royal Family – Heretics podcast with Sonia Poulton. Paedophiles in Parliament documentary
Flat Earth
Babylonian Talmudists Story of Creation: Tiamat, the primordial goddess of the sea, personified as a sea monster and ancestral mother of all the other gods
The Great British Council Audit
TaxPayers’ Alliance analysis has revealed that almost 100 councils have failed to publish any statement of accounts for the latest financial year. In total, over the four financial years since 2018/19, there are 658 overdue audited statements of accounts.
Curing the Incurable: Autoimmunity
Vaccine injured, take heart: there’s hope. One of the most insidious “side effects” of vaccine injury, amongst the many and varied other causes, are autoimmune disorders.
Gold Star families hosted by Trump at Bedminster
Late last month, former president Donald Trump hosted the Gold Star families of the thirteen US military members who were slain in the 2021 Kabul Airport suicide bombing.
Let us get one thing crystal clear from the start. Great Britain has Constitutional Law which is very much intact and valid, regardless of what misinformation or disinformation you may have been given.
The New Order of the Barbarians
Dr Lawrence Dunegan – COMPLETE TRANSCRIPT Of THE THREE TAPES – FROM 1988 & 1991