• The Biden Crime Family

    The Biden Crime Family

    We all knew the Biden’s were complicit in criminal activity world over, it’s just taken until now for the relevant info to trickle through to mainstream, and there’s lots more to come….

  • Agenda 47 – The Plan to Dismantle the Deep State

    Agenda 47 – The Plan to Dismantle the Deep State

    Donald Trumps Plan to Dismantle the Deep State and Reclaim our Democracy from Washington & Corruption once and for all. Followed by “There Is A Plan”, by A Anon.

  • COVID-19 Latest info

    COVID-19 Latest info

    Latest Info, Whistleblowers, Pfizer contracts and more…

  • Latest from Russia & Ukraine

    Latest from Russia & Ukraine

    Ukrainian Scandals – from bribery, aid mismanagement, to embezzlement & cover ups. . . Zelensky Ordered Destruction of All State Docs Associated with METABIOTA on 02/24/22. Putin’s scathing speech about the west.

  • Liverpool Council to Divide the the City into 13 Segments

    Liverpool Council to Divide the the City into 13 Segments

    Liverpool is set to be divided into 13 new neighbourhoods in a major plan to implement the World Economic Forum’s 15 minute city initiative. They hope the name change will be enough to avoid heavy resistance, as seen in other parts of the UK. 

  • The Sound of Freedom

    The Sound of Freedom

    …is a true story film that exposes the darkness of child trafficking. Federal agent Tim Ballard, saves a boy from human traffickers, but the sister is still captive. He quits his job & embarks on a dangerous mission, risking his life to free her from a fate worse than death.

  • How to Deal with Davos and their Faux Crises

    How to Deal with Davos and their Faux Crises

    The general rule of thumb I believe everybody should adopt, is that any problem being presented as a global crisis, is a con, a scam. They fabricate these ‘global’ crises to trick us into accepting their global solution, global authority & control.

  • Behavioral Engineering UK

    Behavioral Engineering UK

    Britain has been drilled to comply with lockdown under a future pandemic, the chief executive of the ‘nudge unit’ has said. Professor David Halpern said that the country had “practised the drill” of wearing face masks & working from home and “could redo it” in a future crisis.

  • Congressional Record – August 19th, 1940

    Congressional Record – August 19th, 1940

    A very informative session that touches on many subjects that still impact our lives today, from England’s extensive propaganda to Khazarian Jews, secret societies & those controlling governments. Have copied the text to the page



    On the July 4th at the European Parliament in Brussels, MEPs and 7 representatives from their respective countries came together to launch a citizens initiative to challenge the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty.

  • The Halderman Report on the US 2020 Election has Finally been Unsealed

    The Halderman Report on the US 2020 Election has Finally been Unsealed

    The Halderman Report on the US 2020 Election has Finally been Unsealed. Provides even more proof that the 2020 election was stolen.



    Dr. Rashid Buttar was Murdered by poisoning on May 18, 2023 after airing this video. He died in hospital. MUST WATCH…

  • The Great Awakening Documentary

    The Great Awakening Documentary

    The new documentary from the makers of ‘Plandemic’, available now. Watch it here. Starts about 1 hour 9 minutes in to the video.

  • The Durham Report

    The Durham Report

    The Durham Report confirms that Trump was right all along. Hillary Clinton was behind the ‘Russia collusion’ stitch up, the DNC, the media and their FBI/CIA allies were all involved…This is TREASON!

  • NIH Gate

    NIH Gate

    Does the NIH have a process in place to ‘take down’ studies, papers, or people that go against the NIH’s financial interests? Is a member of the NIH who works on a US Army Base colluding with researchers from Wuhan

  • All About Bill Gates

    All About Bill Gates

    It’s time to examine the biggest snake oil seller of the planet – Bill Gates: his detached worldview, his alleged philanthropic motives, the monopolisation of science, behavioural patterns of the wannabe saviour of the planet & possible endgames.

  • Shocking report details MHRA failings over Covid vaccines

    Shocking report details MHRA failings over Covid vaccines

    THE stated aim of the MHRA is to ensure all pharmaceuticals are safe, effective & of high quality. Perseus say they have identified serious failures including that the MHRA only assesses medicines for risk/benefit, not absolute safety.

  • The Fabian Society

    The Fabian Society

    1884 the Fabian Society was formed by a group of elitists, to help usher in a one world oligarchic collectivist state through a process known as Gradualism – a policy of gradual reform from within a system rather than sudden change or violent revolution.

  • A miscarriage of statistics: The thalidomide sequel

    A miscarriage of statistics: The thalidomide sequel

    Proof that miscarriage rates after the COVID vaccines is far higher than normal and how big pharma tried to hide it….. This story is not going away, no matter how much big pharma want it to.

  • Former NHS Directors Pandemic Exposé

    Former NHS Directors Pandemic Exposé

    Sai, a former NHS Director of End-of-Life Care, wrote a Twitter thread, a personal account of her experiences during the ‘pandemic, and the changes to the system of reporting deaths implemented in the NHS.’