The JFK Files
Exposes more than just the CIA’s involvement in the assassination of J.F.K., it lifts the veil on the involvement of the Israeli Intelligence Service and how the CIA protects their exposure.
Is Bovaer Safe and Effective?
We live in a time when people perceive many threats; not least the ongoing attacks on farming: meat & dairy production.
The Real Dark Fraud & Self Proclaimed MAP
Nonce ALERT…The Real Dark Judge is A FUCKING PAEDOPHILE…Name: Omatsole Koko Ete Edem is A M.A.T….
Flat Earth
Babylonian Talmudists Story of Creation: Tiamat, the primordial goddess of the sea, personified as a sea monster and ancestral mother of all the other gods
The New Order of the Barbarians
Dr Lawrence Dunegan – COMPLETE TRANSCRIPT Of THE THREE TAPES – FROM 1988 & 1991
Britain is now an elite dictatorship where majority opinions are crushed
“Start listening to the voters on cars, crime & wokery, or there’ll be an uprising even bigger than Brexit” Britain’s deranged war on cars, our looming ban on gas boilers, the de-banking scandal, the sabotage of Brexit, the scale of migration
The Biden Crime Family
We all knew the Biden’s were complicit in criminal activity world over, it’s just taken until now for the relevant info to trickle through to mainstream, and there’s lots more to come….
All About Bill Gates
It’s time to examine the biggest snake oil seller of the planet – Bill Gates: his detached worldview, his alleged philanthropic motives, the monopolisation of science, behavioural patterns of the wannabe saviour of the planet & possible endgames.
The Fabian Society
1884 the Fabian Society was formed by a group of elitists, to help usher in a one world oligarchic collectivist state through a process known as Gradualism – a policy of gradual reform from within a system rather than sudden change or violent revolution.
The Hidden History of the Evil Khazarian Mafia
The curtain is now being pulled back to fully expose the Khazarian Mafia and its evil plan to infiltrate, tyrannize the whole World and eradicate all Abrahamic Religions and allow only their Babylonian Talmudism
Shocking Glimpse Into Life After The Great Reset – World Economic Forum’s Sinister Plans
The Elites want to dictate every aspect of your life from what you eat, where you go, how many times a week you can shower and wash your underwear.
Foreign Black Watch Troops to Seize Control of the UK during the Next Lockdown.
John O’Looney: “They’re training Albanian & other foreign troops, who came as fake ‘migrants’, to take over the UK for their masters when another lockdown is declared”.
The Not so “Great Reset” and the Social Credit System
Central banks have given governments their marching orders, to sign everybody up to mandatory digital IDs that will form the basis for new financial and social systems…
Politicians & People Of Influence
Rishi ‘the Snake’ Sunak……..Dr. Tedros Adhanom Gebreyesus……..Lord Malloch Brown……..Klaus Schwab……..Nadhim Zahawi
Nadhim Zahawi
Nadhim Zahawi is another dangerous individual, a corrupt man intertwined with all the usual accompanying shenanigans. Like, dodgy business deals, bloodlines, banksters, and intelligence services. A man cloaked with conflicts of interest, desperation, greed, and links to big business.
Who is Klaus Schwab?
Klaus Schwab’s father was Eugen Willhelm Schwab born in Swabia, Germany 1899. He was employed by Escher-Wyss AG and his wife’s name was Emma Gisela Tekelius. His paternal mother was Jewish & his step mother was German.
The tentacles of the World Economic Forum reach far and wide, tightening their grip on many industries, media and governments via their training programs.
Imagine this, its world war 2, Hitler and his troops are seemingly unstoppable, confident of victory. In 1941 things took a turn
A Brief History of the Cabal & the Nazi World Order
1912 – Colonel Edward M. House, a close advisor of President Woodrow Wilson, publishes Phillip Dru: Administrator in which he promotes “socialism as dreamed of by Karl Marx.” 1913 – The Federal Reserve
The global elite march in four essential columns: Corporate, Academic, Political and Organized Religion. In general, the goals for globalism are created by Corporate. Academic then provides studies and white papers that justify Corporate goals…