This thread is to record all the attempts to cheat & cheat prevention prior to the US midterm elections. (a work in progress. started Oct 11th)

  • Red October 2022 & 2023

    Red October 2022 & 2023

    Record of events that took place throughout October this year, and last.

  • Russia Declares Ukraine the Origin of COVID-19

    Russia Declares Ukraine the Origin of COVID-19

    DNC Globalists, Fauci and Collins of the NIH created it! Last update December 2022

  • German newspaper debunks false Ukrainian claim of ‘Russian torture’

    German newspaper debunks false Ukrainian claim of ‘Russian torture’

    A pile of gold teeth, which Ukraine alleged had been pulled from civilians by Russian troops to torture them, actually belonged to a local dentist, Bild reported on Wednesday.



    How does a virus not normally seen outside of Africa, suddenly appear all over the planet? Shingles & Pemphigoid are both documented adverse reactions to the CV19 jabs, visually similar to ‘monkeypox’, a multifaceted ‘cover story’? Meanwhile, the NHS alter their info on monkeypox, for added ‘fear’ effect..

  • The Truth about COVID-19 & the ‘Vaccines’

    The Truth about COVID-19 & the ‘Vaccines’

    Governments across the world will soon be pushing for the trusting masses to have yet another ‘booster’ shot, you know, for the good of everyone. Before blindly obeying, please watch and read everything in this thread / article. I’m simply trying to help you to save yourself from the mistake of a lifetime.

  • The Truth about Ukraine & Russia cont.

    The Truth about Ukraine & Russia cont.

    The last post was getting full so will continue here. There is NO invasion, there is ONLY liberation, freeing Ukrainian citizens from the clutches of the west funded Neo-Nazi groups; Azov Battalion, Right Sector, Svoboda & O.U.N.

  • The Not so “Great Reset” and the Social Credit System

    The Not so “Great Reset” and the Social Credit System

    Central banks have given governments their marching orders, to sign everybody up to mandatory digital IDs that will form the basis for new financial and social systems…

  • Politicians & People Of Influence

    Politicians & People Of Influence

    Rishi ‘the Snake’ Sunak……..Dr. Tedros Adhanom Gebreyesus……..Lord Malloch Brown……..Klaus Schwab……..Nadhim Zahawi

  • Uprising Against The Globalist Agenda

    Uprising Against The Globalist Agenda

    The Dutch have began to rise up against the globalist agenda. Will update as things happen.

  • We Need to Talk about Midazolam

    We Need to Talk about Midazolam

    This is a very disturbing documentary from @MaajidNawaz. They believed these people knew best & followed the step by step guidance. They did this believing they were providing the very best care for those under their protection. They did it following Government & NICE protocols

  • Exploring Cancer

    Exploring Cancer

    Lets be honest, if these last couple of years have taught us anything, its that big pharma only cares about making money, peoples health be damned. They want our immune systems damaged

  • £1 million in ‘hush money’ paid out since Sadiq Khan became mayor

    £1 million in ‘hush money’ paid out since Sadiq Khan became mayor

    More than £1 million in so-called hush money has been given to City Hall staff under deals requiring them to keep quiet about their departures.

  • Timeline of US Bio-research in Ukraine

    Timeline of US Bio-research in Ukraine

    Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Marija Zakharova has published a timeline of US-Ukraine bio-research. I see no reason to doubt this information as it lines up well with events already outlined in the 2 previous articles

  • Media trying to cover for the Vax injuries

    Media trying to cover for the Vax injuries

    If only there was something that happened prior to all this that could explain it all. Hmmm, it really is a mystery!

  • The Great ‘Fossil Fuel’ Deception

    The Great ‘Fossil Fuel’ Deception

    In society today, many falsehoods have become widely accepted as fact. One rather significant example of such is ‘Fossil Fuels’, which plays a key role in the global warming narrative.

  • The Biden’s in Ukraine

    The Biden’s in Ukraine

    Video by Phoenix Vault ……………. Article – ‘Spies Who Lie’: NY Post Calls Out 51 Intelligence ‘Experts’ Who Won’t Apologize for Discrediting Hunter Biden Reports

  • The TRUTH about Ukraine

    The TRUTH about Ukraine

    A collection of REAL information regarding Ukraine. Documents & Videos. Neo Nazi childrens camp. Propaganda set ups. Interviews with REAL people in Ukraine. Hopefully enough to show you all that Russia is ..

  • Lara Logan interview (Real America’s Voice)

    Lara Logan interview (Real America’s Voice)

    Lara Logan dropping truth bombs on Real America’s Voice. A Must Watch! Followed by more truth bombs….
