The Great Awakening Documentary
The new documentary from the makers of ‘Plandemic’, available now. Watch it here. Starts about 1 hour 9 minutes in to the video.
The Durham Report
The Durham Report confirms that Trump was right all along. Hillary Clinton was behind the ‘Russia collusion’ stitch up, the DNC, the media and their FBI/CIA allies were all involved…This is TREASON!
NIH Gate
Does the NIH have a process in place to ‘take down’ studies, papers, or people that go against the NIH’s financial interests? Is a member of the NIH who works on a US Army Base colluding with researchers from Wuhan
All About Bill Gates
It’s time to examine the biggest snake oil seller of the planet – Bill Gates: his detached worldview, his alleged philanthropic motives, the monopolisation of science, behavioural patterns of the wannabe saviour of the planet & possible endgames.
Shocking report details MHRA failings over Covid vaccines
THE stated aim of the MHRA is to ensure all pharmaceuticals are safe, effective & of high quality. Perseus say they have identified serious failures including that the MHRA only assesses medicines for risk/benefit, not absolute safety.
The Fabian Society
1884 the Fabian Society was formed by a group of elitists, to help usher in a one world oligarchic collectivist state through a process known as Gradualism – a policy of gradual reform from within a system rather than sudden change or violent revolution.
A miscarriage of statistics: The thalidomide sequel
Proof that miscarriage rates after the COVID vaccines is far higher than normal and how big pharma tried to hide it….. This story is not going away, no matter how much big pharma want it to.
Former NHS Directors Pandemic Exposé
Sai, a former NHS Director of End-of-Life Care, wrote a Twitter thread, a personal account of her experiences during the ‘pandemic, and the changes to the system of reporting deaths implemented in the NHS.’
FDA Records Show Significant Number of mRNA Test Rats Born with Skeletal Deformations
Records include a “Nonclinical Overview” prepared by Moderna & submitted to the FDA for approval reveal that a number of rats were born with skeletal deformations, known as “wavy ribs” and “rib nodules,” to mothers injected with mRNA vaccines.
10,000 Doses of Midazolam in Mirandola, Coincidence?
Remember: Italy was the first to report a high Covid death rate in Europe. March 21, 2020 a delivery of 10,000 doses of midazolam from Germany arrived, at a warehouse in Mirandola, Italy.
Emergency Injunction & Tribunal Order Has Been Served
REALITY OR WISHFUL THINKING? An emergency injunction and tribunal order has been served to the WHO and all Criminal Defendants listed below to immediately cease and desist a criminal conspiracy to commit genocide & crimes against humanity.
People were scammed into believing there was a deadly virus; when the only evidence of it was on mainstream media. People were scammed into masking two-year-old’s; shutting down schools; and damaging their children physically & psychologically.
The Hidden History of the Evil Khazarian Mafia
The curtain is now being pulled back to fully expose the Khazarian Mafia and its evil plan to infiltrate, tyrannize the whole World and eradicate all Abrahamic Religions and allow only their Babylonian Talmudism
Pfizer Executive Says they were Mutating COVID-19 to Continue Profiting off of Vaccines
Jordon Trishton Walker, a Pfizer executive, reveals that the company is allegedly looking into ways to “mutate” COVID via “Directed Evolution” in order to preempt the development of subsequent vaccines.
a ‘Bio-Tech’ company connected to the Biden’s. They produce bio agents under diplomatic cover at “secret” labs, then sell pandemic insurance and trackers to help countries get ahead of what they are putting out. Funded by Rosemont Seneca, which is associated with Hunter Biden & they are a part of the Pentagon’s DRTA Program.
NHS Doctor confirms Staff were instructed to let Patients die or “euthanize” them to falsely increase the COVID Death Count while Hospitals were EMPTY
NHS whistleblower claims Government & NHS instructed staff to Euthanise patients & label deaths as COVID-19
The Truth about Climate Change
The fact is, CO2 is the building block for all life on Earth and that without its presence in the global atmosphere at a sufficient concentration this would be a dead planet.
UK Doctors Call For Government To Urgently Pause and Investigate the Use of Novel mRNA Covid Vaccines
Doctors for Patients UK (DfPUK) was established in September 2022 & has become a fast-growing group of doctors dedicated to practising evidence-based, ethical and patient-centred medicine.
Ukraine Defense Minister Admitted It’s A NATO Proxy
Defense Minister Alexei Reznikov’s description of the Ukrainian-NATO relationship perfectly aligns with Merriam-Webster’s definition of a proxy.
Shocking Glimpse Into Life After The Great Reset – World Economic Forum’s Sinister Plans
The Elites want to dictate every aspect of your life from what you eat, where you go, how many times a week you can shower and wash your underwear.